TFG's WWII Veteran's scrapbook played an enormous role in the assemblage of the names on the new Victor Veteran’s Memorial Monument. Each page was photographed, every name was documented, checked and double checked for spelling and accuracy in order to be carved into the Memorial.

The Memorial was built to replace the Veteran’s Wall that was on the east wall of the historic Monarch Building for decades. When you would drive into Victor and turn onto 3rd Street, you would see local family members’ veterans names painted onto and filling the Monarch’s entire wall. When the Monarch was bought by Adam Zimmerlee, he changed the name to the “Black Monarch” and painted over the wall in black to match the theme of his murder hotel. The entire District pooled its resources quickly, hired a local artist to build the Monument, and we were able to contribute the names from the scrapbook given to us by Steve Bracklein, former owner of the “Prospector’s Pick.”

We are honored to be a contributor to this Memorial; TFG is dedicated to the preservation of not only the District’s history but to supporting its local families who had family members in the military. We continue to honor them by donating a portion of the sales of our artwork and photography, and we have a military discount in place for all sales.

Explore the Scrapbook

Pages 1-59

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Page 06
William M. Thomas, Jr., Edwin F. Cheney, Jr., Louis George Finch

Page 07
Gerard B. Nevle, Raymond Riley Brown, Commander Bulkeley, Doctor Wassell, James Hilton, David Render Berry, Elbert Scott McCuskey, Elmer F. Bond, John J. Pershing, Wilbert R. Welch

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Kurt Gonska, Joseph Mierzecki, Winifred Gray, Paul Buck, Philip C. Shera, Saul H. Berman, Hawkins Fudske

Page 09
Lyle B. Martin, Cordelia E. Cook, Wilson D. Rutherford, Stanley W. Anda, David Altman, Walter S. Elliot. Max L. Wright, Ann Bernatitus, Claude A, Larkin, Frank L. Johnson, Henry I. Means, William O. Butler, C. M. Kunz, J.T. Godfrey

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Charles A. McKinney, Charles A. Lindbergh, Glenn Curtiss, Admiral Byrd, Amelia Earhart, James W. Kerns, Ira Kepford, Robert M. Patterson, A. L. Jacobson, J. T. Godfrey, C. M. Kunz

Page 12
John Schmalzried, Bill Andreas, Frank Gay, Everett Coppage, Harold Mitchell, Phil Kermode, Bill Collom, Herbert Hedlund, Wilbur Wassaw, Tom Ross, Melvin Demery, Jim Demery, James Lehman, William Kennaugh, Earl Walker, Alfred Bebee Jr., Dave Banks, Henry Hart, Robert irving, Tom Vetter, Delbert Snyder, Clifford Roberts, Phillip Eastham, James Eastham, Howard Hutchinson, Robert Carmack, Loren Mack, Jack Dustin, Robert McCready, Vitalis Anderson, Berger Larson, John Stout, Bert Grater, Burbridge Hill, John Dave, Floyd Hamrick, Le Roy Grater, James Cook, Willard Lutz, Edward Chambers, Tom Turner, John Neff, Carl Connely, Chester Erickson, Robert Gallagher, Charles Gallagher

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Francis Robb, Tom Robb, Walter Skala, Kenneth Geddes, John Bebee, Jess Creeck, Walter Simpson, Donald Cox, Ray Underwood, Robert Fay, Harry Nelson, Penn Asbury, John Asbury, Charles Lang, Arthur Fleischman, Herbert Titmas, Roland Hill, Henry Hack, Jr., Lawrence Hickey, Richard Myers, Lawrence Cobb, A. A. Bluejacket, Frank Stocklosa, Goldie Patton, Josephine Brown, Dorothy Richardson, Dorothy Rolofsan, Rex Deaner, Edwin Deaner, Jack Schwab, James Jones, Biklly King, Harold Larsen, Hans Larsen, Thomas Anderson, Bernard Lorance, George Lorenz, Bert Bielz, Carroll Moe, Victor Hack, Kennth Hack, Charles Hack, Robert Calhoan, David Calhoan, Donald White, Louis Slothower Jr., Frank Huston Elmer Wilson, Axel Olson, George Tull, Vernon Moore, Raymond Primm, Bill Burns, William Moore, Donald Eastham, Edward Walkins, Jr.

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Clarence Carlson, Harry Giesler, Thomas Lyons, Wilson Peterson, Paul Gardner, Joe Bluejacket, Glen Chafee, Wilmer Olson, Ed Swift, Willard Mumford, Cleland Carr, Jim Housel, Kennth Peiffer, Don Ripley, Malcolm Mackenzie, Wallace Hall, Jack Walker, Reuben Musser, Ralph Pierce, Edward Zitnik, Clyde Bennett, John Mumford, George Nelson, Carl Coffin, Richard Burns, Eldred Allen, Frankie Sanders, Frank Martello, Dale Whitny, Edward Hughes, Francis McLaughlin, Albert Polkinghorn, Harry Sanders, Ralph Hansen, James Moe, Robert Douglas, Tom Chapman, Wesley Primm, Lee Raper, James Lyons, George Schwab, Charles Chambers, Glen Olson, Armor Olson, Agnar Leend, Bertram Coatsworth, Robert Skala, Thomas Rowe, Raymond Caldwell, Walter Brown, Jack Weist, Victor Gallagher

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John Borgeson, Leonard Downs, Harry Symcovitz, Dale Sower, Leonard Butler, Alfred Newman, Jerry Hanley, Joe Buschy, Rudy Buschy, Charles Lord, James Vinyard, Thomas Potts, Howard Bartlett, Julius Johnson, Donald Eastham, Adolph Kiesler, Ralph Jones, Billy Reifenrath, Robert Woolwine, Robert Grimes, Dale Grimes, David Carmack, Clyde Lorenz, Richard Grater, Robert Chambers, Ralph Gaffnet, Charles Skinner, Jerry Housel, Wesley Sanders, Lee Rhodus, David Williams, Carl Jeter, Leroy Paul, Jess Fay, Frank Orazen, Ralph Fay, Wayne Rankin, John Kehr, Lewis Altman, John King, Billy Owens, Vernett Cox, Frank Pribbensow, Erle Field, Frank Hart, Jack Dawson, George Yeager Jr., Harry Shiff, Robbie Elmer, Donald Feller, Melvin Feller, Joseph Martin, George Dittmas, Paul Dittmas, Edward Grainger, Frank Godfrey, George Godfrey

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Louis Trent, Paul Quirk, Raymond Sprague, David Wilkerson, Charles Sullivan, George Polhill, James Skala, Ralph Dial, George Roberts, Orlin Vaughn, Clarence Vaughn, Eugene Vaughn, John Evans, Cecil Bunker, Robert McCarty, Melvin Evans, Bernard Roberts, Leland Boatright, Louis Simonson, William Kauffman, James Kauffman, Robert Brown, Dean Hughes, Murice Rigdon, Rodger Rigdon, Helmer Bunker, Arland Love, Lowell Lehr, George Lehr, Ben Wadell, Lucian Castleman, Robert Pixler, Herbert King, Basil Hooker, Jay Dixon, Robert Orazen, James Benton, Author Stanker, Bernard Benton, Verne Sturdivent, Ed Seale, Herbert Huntley, Eugene Haywood, Burton Cunningham, Carroll Swinney, Jack Corder, Jim Douglas, Lloyd Doughlas, Gay Garrett, Arthur Feller Jr., George Pearce, Tom Rolofson, Paul Thomas, “Peggy” Roberts Chapman, Betty Akins, Lucille Worthington, “Billie” Rankin, Renne Bydales

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Beryl Harrison, Levi Barnes, George Stiner, Clarence Parrill, William Kloepfer, James Kloepfer, Kenneth Jackson, Weston Lohr, James Ahearn, Jr., Perry Fryslie, Shirley Burnes, Dewey Ferguson, Robert Nelson, Walter “Wad” Harris, George Parrill, Jr., Alice Lystella, James Rasmussen, Billy Connor, Clair Cottier, Byron Hakes, Bob Burgess, Wallace Miller, Frank Miller, Dewey Nulph Jerry Nulph, Leslie Meyers, Virgil Weaver, William Weaver, Robert Weaver, John Morgan, Jackson Horn, Glenn Seward, Kermit Wheeler, Malcolm Burns, Eugene Munn, Carl Radebaugh, Robert Singer, Glenn Garner, Betty Akin, Peggy Lehman, Carol Kessey, James Hickey, Jr., Roy Hammer, Charles Framm, William James, Kennth Mumford, Elmer Grimes, Eben Bebee, Carl Hedlund, Herbert Schaub, Carl Johnson, Ransome Sawyer, Frank Hassenphig, Robert Rutherford

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Pages 240-250

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